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Recovery Process For Trigger Finger Surgery

If you’re planning for trigger finger surgery, you’re most likely looking forward to pain relief and the ability to straighten your fingers once again without difficulty. While trigger finger surgery is often relatively quick and takes less than 20 minutes to perform, recovery often requires a longer investment of your time. The better you care for your hand after surgery, the better your results will be.

If you’re currently suffering from trigger finger, and other treatments haven’t been effective, schedule a consultation with Quinn Plastic Surgery & Aesthetic Center to learn how trigger finger surgery can help restore your hand to a working, pain-free condition.

Here’s what you need to know about recovering from trigger finger surgery.

Recovering After Surgery

  • Soothe any post-surgery pain and discomfort using ice packs. The palm of your hand and the treated thumb or finger will feel sore and tender for the first several days following surgery. Use ice packs to help relieve swelling, and to relieve any post-op pain.
  • Keep your hand elevated above your heart as much as possible following surgery. This helps reduce and limit swelling, and accelerates the healing process.
  • Ask your plastic surgeon about finger exercises you can do at home to strengthen your hand. Certain types of finger exercises and/or another type of physical therapy can help improve range of motion in your thumb or finger throughout healing.
  • Understand that it might take as long as six months for swelling and stiffness to go away. Though you may notice immediate improvements in hand and finger function following trigger finger surgery, it may take several months for your hand and fingers to feel normal again.

Caring For Your Wound

  • Avoid getting your hand wet until you receive approval from your plastic surgeon. Cover your hand and bandage with plastic to keep it dry when showering, and avoid submerging your hand in a bathtub, pool, or sink.
  • Gently wash your incision site using mild soap and warm water only after receiving approval from your surgeon. This helps keep your wound clean, and reduces the risk for infection.
  • Continue doing hand and finger exercises to help improve your range of movement following surgery. This helps keep your hand and fingers strong and functional, and speeds up the recovery process.

Resuming Daily Activities

  • Ask your plastic surgeon about the types of daily activities you can resume immediately following surgery. You may be limited to certain activities, based on your surgery results.
  • Make plans to start driving again within five days of having trigger finger surgery, given you feel safe and comfortable behind the wheel.
  • Start using the keyboard on your computer or smartphone, but avoid typing extensively to avoid experiencing pain and discomfort.
  • Avoid playing sports for between two and three weeks after surgery. This allows your hand to completely regain its strength — especially if you play sports that require you to grip equipment, such as golf or baseball.

Your plastic surgeon will give you a full set of post-op instructions following trigger finger surgery. Adhere to these instructions to ensure the fastest and healthiest recovery so you can resume your favorite activities without pain and discomfort caused by trigger finger.

Is trigger finger interfering with your daily life? Schedule a consultation with Quinn Plastic Surgery & Aesthetic Center and restore your hand’s full functionality! Dr. John Michael Quinn has experience correcting hand conditions such as trigger finger, carpal tunnel syndrome, and ganglion cysts so you can experience less pain and get back to enjoying your life.

Schedule your Kansas City plastic surgery consultation today

When you commit to your beauty journey, you are choosing to take how the world sees you into your own hands. That’s an empowering feeling. Dr. Quinn and his team at Quinn Plastic Surgery & Aesthetic Center are here to honor that commitment and help you achieve the best results for you and your body. These are your decisions. Our role is to help you make the most of them. Schedule a consultation today to get started on your beauty journey.

6920 W 121st St #102, Leawood, KS 66209

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