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What is the Secret to Winter Skincare?

A beautiful young woman with perfect skin standing outside in the snow.

Winter is coming, and many people worry that winter will always turn their skin dry, chapped, and red. But there are secrets to good winter skin care that will protect your skin through the cold weather. We want you to be ready, so we’ve compiled a list of the best tips for cold weather skin care.

Good skin health is all about moisture, and the winter months can very quickly steal the moisture away from your skin. So when you’re looking at all of these skincare routines for winter, keep in mind that moisture is essential!

#1. Don’t Lose the Moisture You Already Have

Your body already has moisture, and you need to make sure that it doesn’t go away. You need to retain the natural oils in your skin, not lose them to the wintry elements. The best way to keep the moisture that you already have is to maintain a good bathing and showering routine. It may seem counterintuitive, but retaining moisture is about washing your skin less in the winter. 

This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t stay clean, but try to avoid long soaking baths and showers. It also means that the water you use shouldn’t be too hot–use warm water instead. And, when drying off, don’t rub and scrub your skin hard with the towel–pat yourself dry. And, when you’re done, make sure you use a moisturizer. 

#2. Increase the Moisture in the Air You Can Control

You can’t control the weather, and you can’t necessarily control the moisture in your workplace. But you can control the moisture in your home. Use a humidifier during the autumn and winter months to make sure that your home doesn’t get too dry. 

You don’t need it to be on full blast, and you don’t need a big one, either. A small desktop humidifier in your living room or bedroom (wherever you’ll be spending most of your time) should be enough. 

#3. Hydrate!

When we talk about moisturizing, we often talk about oil in the skin, not water, but the truth is that most of your skin’s moisture comes from water. So even though many people don’t do as much exercise in the winter as they do in the summer months, you should still be drinking the recommended eight glasses of water a day.

And while you’re drinking all the water you need, make sure you’re also getting your essential vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids. Basically: all the nutritional rules you’ve been taught all your life are twice as important in the winter. 

#4. Don’t Overheat Your Home

While we’re talking about moisture, it’s important to know that you shouldn’t crank up the heat in your house if you want good skin. We know that when you first come inside from the snow you want to turn up the thermostat and get toasty warm, but it’s actually recommended that you keep your home around 68 to 70 degrees in the winter. It will prevent you from drying out. 

#5. Be Extra Careful About Skin Conditions

If you’re prone to eczema, rashes, or acne, make sure that you follow all the appropriate skin care instructions for your condition. All of these problems get worse when your skin is cold and dry, so managing them at this time of year is more important than ever. 

#6. Use Sunscreen

Just because January may be gloomy doesn’t mean that you can get away without using sunscreen. In the winter, sunscreen is as important as ever. UV rays penetrate the skin through clouds, so don’t expect a cloudy day to save you. And the UV reflects right off the snow, so you’ll be getting radiation from above and below. 

If you want to avoid skin cancer–and you definitely do–then remember to use sunscreen today. 

#7. Change to a Winter Cleanser

The cleanser you use in the summer is going to be different from what you’ll want in the winter. Check the bottle: if your cleanser has the ingredients glycolic or salicylic acid in it, then that means it will dry your skin. So make sure that you’re switching to a cleanser that is moisturizing and hydrating during the cold times of the year.

#8. Wear the Right Clothing

Different fabrics can affect your skin in different ways in the winter. And many of the fabrics that you reserve especially for winter can be the worst. For example, wool can be rough and scratchy and can aggravate already dry and cracking skin. Instead, wear soft and light fabrics like cotton or silk. 

Remember that layering is the way to stay warm, so keep something soft next to your skin, and put on the thicker layers like wool over the top. 

Also: don’t forget about gloves! If your woolen mittens are irritating your chapped hands, then try switching to leather gloves. 1

#9. Visit a Dermatologist

If you’re concerned about your winter skincare routine, it never hurts to make a before-winter appointment with a board-certified dermatologist. They can give you specific instructions for your skin type. For example, the winter skincare routine for combination skin may be different from the winter skincare routine for oily skin. If you don’t know what type of skin you have, or how to treat it, then talk to an expert. 

#10. Consider Skin Rejuvenation

In addition to talking to your dermatologist, consider looking into skin rejuvenation. Rejuvenation can help with common winter skin conditions such as acne, sun damage, and uneven or rough skin. Having a good winter skincare routine is so important that it’s worth looking into all your options. 

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